2021: The year of science and hope

The second year of the coronavirus pandemic is coming to an end. It is time to take a balance of the year, learn from the past, and plan for the future. In 2021, we face even more challenging times than the year before. We had dramatic periods, with daily average deaths due to COVID-19 exceeding three thousand. The health system collapsed in Brazil and in the world. There was a shortage of beds, health professionals, and even oxygen. And in the midst of all this, scientific knowledge prevailed, and the long-awaited vaccine arrived.

At the Pequeno Príncipe Hospital, the challenges were faced with courage, dedication, professionalism and excellence in management. With the support of the community, companies, government, individuals and volunteers, the institution was able, yet again, to offer health assistance with excellence, to invest in science, to innovate, to rethink environments, to create protocols, to train professionals and to improve indicators.

We learn from nature, which, despite all the difficulties, follows its course. In nature, everything changes. The seasons are there to remind us that, after a harsh winter, spring will always bring the renewal and hope of colors and flowers. Just as nature has taken its course, the Pequeno Príncipe has also become more and more committed to bringing health of excellence and guaranteeing the rights of children and adolescents.

In this 11th edition of the Pequeno Príncipe News in 2021, we share with you, who is part of our history and support us at all times, some of the most important events of this year at the Pequeno Príncipe. Click here and read this full edition.