Social Engagement

The story of Pequeno Príncipe is marked by social mobilization. For 104 years, the support of individuals and companies has been essential for the much-needed advances in preventing ­and promoting the health of boys and girls across Brazil. Individuals and legal entities contribute by donating time, talent and allocating resources, whether through direct donations or via tax incentive laws.

In this long journey, many people made a difference. Doctors and other health professionals, volunteers, children and adolescents and their families with stories ­of overcoming, who teach and inspire us daily.

And there are also investors, who joined the Hospital’s entire technical team to mobilize society around the cause of children’s health. The Pequeno Prín­cipe Gala is an example of how society engages and strengthens the institution. In this context, the participation of philanthropic supporters Daniele Giacomazzi Behring and Amalia Spinardi Thompson Motta (photo) and the event’s patronesses Many Tigre Elache, Marjorie Geiger Hauser and Sylvia Brasil Coutinho stands out.

Daniele Giacomazzi Behring has worked hard to mobilize people, companies and resources in favor of the cause of children’s health, in the discussion and development of strategies to create engagement. The Curitiba native articulates her network of contacts in Brazil and abroad in favor of the children and adolescents assisted by Pequeno Príncipe. She is also dedicated to the Behring Foundation, an organization maintained by her family that brings together initiatives linked to health, sport, innovation and education.

Through her friend Daniele, businesswoman Amalia Spinardi Thompson Motta learned about the activities carried out by Pequeno Príncipe in the health sector. With the view that it is possible to unite a personal and professional agenda with actions that benefit society, Amalia joined the institution’s support group. The initial involvement in Pequeno Príncipe Gala soon expanded, and the institution began to count on the businesswoman’s energy, creativity, strategic vision and willingness.

Many Tigre Elache is a longtime supporter of the Pequeno Príncipe. Alongside her husband ­, Dinho Elache, she was one of those responsible for Pequeno Príncipe’s success in implementing its bone marrow transplantation unit in 2011. Since then, she has collaborated with the maintenance of the service, actively mobilizing a group of donors. The couple is also a member of the institution’s Board.

Marjorie Geiger Hauser entered the world of philanthropy due to a personal experience. Her husband, Danilo Hauser, faced leukemia and needed a ­bone marrow transplantation. The treatment was carried out by Dr. Eurípides Ferreira and, as a way of thanking him for his care, they began to support the dream of implementing the Hospital’s Bone Marrow Transplantation Service. Marjorie is also a volunteer with the Pequeno Príncipe chaplaincy, giving testimonies about the power of faith and supporting families in the daily challenges they face in the fight for their children’s health.

Sylvia Brasil Coutinho has been a supporter of Pequeno Príncipe since 2016. Over the years, she has mobilized executives from different regions of Brazil to support the right to life, the first universal basic right. With a prominent presence in the business world, she became a supporter of donations via Income Tax waiver, disseminating, through her testimony, information regarding this relevant form of social investment, in addition to actively participating in events and other initiatives of the institution.

In this journey of 15 editions of the Gala, it is also important to highlight the participation of Belinda Badcock Brito and Monique Nosé, supporters of the Pequeno Príncipe Gala.

Another relevant contribution is that of renowned French chef Claude Troisgros (photo). He has embraced Pequeno Príncipe’s gastronomic events since its inception in 2011. Since then, he has donated his time and talent to benefit the lives of thousands of boys and girls from all over Brazil.

Philanthropic committee
Pequeno Príncipe Gala has a philanthropic committee, made up of members who support the event’s publicity actions and mobilization of people and resources for the cause of children’s health.